Our Mission

At Kragon Historical Preservation, Inc., our mission is to preserve, protect, and honor the rich cultural heritage of the Fort Ancient Village burial ground while promoting a deeper understanding of the site's diverse historical narratives. We strive to foster appreciation and respect for the native peoples, Civil War era history, and the unique environmental landscape of Eastern Kentucky, ensuring a future where the past is remembered, celebrated, and used as a foundation for building stronger communities.

Our Vision

Our vision is to create a world-class learning center that serves as a beacon of hope, inspiration, and understanding for Eastern Kentucky and beyond. We aim to bring together communities, fostering dialogue and collaboration that transcends cultural and historical divides. Through our dedication to preservation, education, and environmental stewardship, we envision a future where the people of Eastern Kentucky can unite in celebrating their shared history, embracing their diverse roots, and working together to protect the region's natural beauty and heritage for generations to come.

A Fort Ancient Village in Breathitt County

Nestled within a sharp bend in the North Fork of the Kentucky River, the Kragon Site spans approximately 3500 m², revealing a fascinating glimpse into the lives of the Fort Ancient people who once inhabited the area. The village, located in Breathitt County, offers valuable insights into their customs, skills, and daily activities.

The Kragon Site features a square structure, consisting of 111 single-set postholes, which measures 5.9 by 6.1 meters. Though no floor evidence was found, several circular and oval pits or basins were discovered within the structure. A lean-to may have once adjoined the structure's east wall. Inner posts suggest the possibility of repairs, replacements, or supports for interior furnishings. Some centrally located posts may have been roof supports.

Excavations have uncovered a wealth of materials, including sandstone tempered ceramics, shell tempered ceramics, jars, triangular projectile points, lithic debitage, groundstone abraders, fire-cracked rock, charcoal, animal bone, and mussel shell. Botanical remains such as maize, beans, and nuts provide insight into the diet and agricultural practices of the Fort Ancient people.

Among the site's most significant finds are two flexed burials. One of the burials was covered with a sandstone slab and contained a collection of ornaments, including disk and tubular shell beads, marginella beads, bird and mammal bone beads, perforated turkey digits, and two cannel coal beads.

As we continue to explore and preserve the Kragon Site, we strive to deepen our understanding of the Fort Ancient people and their rich cultural heritage, ensuring that their legacy endures for future generations.

Preserving Our Past, Enriching Our Future

The Kragon Learning Center is an ambitious project aimed at preserving the rich history of the Fort Ancient Era village and burial grounds located in Eastern Kentucky.

Our goal is to create a space for ongoing archaeological research, educational opportunities, and community engagement, ultimately contributing to the economic and tourism development in the region.

We are thrilled to announce plans to construct a state-of-the-art museum dedicated to the Kragon Site. This world-class facility will house over 3,000 artifacts, offering an unprecedented opportunity for the public to connect with early American society. Through interactive exhibits, educational programs, and captivating storytelling, visitors will gain a deeper understanding of the significance of these cultural treasures and their impact on our shared history.

The museum will not only showcase these artifacts, but also bring them to life. Imagine exploring recreated dwellings and learning about daily life for the people of the Kragon Site. Interactive exhibits will allow visitors to handle tools, try their hand at traditional crafts, and even participate in archaeological simulations. Educational programs will cater to all ages, with engaging lectures, hands-on workshops, and family-friendly activities. The museum will also serve as a center for scholarly research, providing archaeologists and historians with unparalleled access to these priceless artifacts.

The learning center project will be executed in multiple phases, with the initial focus on establishing infrastructure, business office space, and preliminary display areas. As the project progresses, we envision expanding the facility to include recreational spaces and a campground to further enhance visitors' experience.

Located just five miles south of Jackson, KY, the Kragon Learning Center will be strategically built on land far above the floodplain, ensuring the site's long-term preservation and sustainability. Our collaboration with experienced architects and engineers guarantees a thoughtful design that is both cost-effective and visually appealing.

As the Kragon Learning Center comes to life, we invite you to join us in our mission to preserve and celebrate the unique history of the Fort Ancient people. Together, we can create a brighter future for the community of Kragon and the surrounding areas, while honoring the past and the stories it holds.

Our Core Values

  • Respect

    We honor the history, culture, and traditions of the native peoples and all those who have shaped the story of Eastern Kentucky.

  • Inclusivity

    We embrace diverse perspectives, experiences, and ideas, fostering a welcoming environment that encourages collaboration and dialogue.

  • Stewardship

    We are dedicated to the responsible preservation and protection of Eastern Kentucky's cultural, historical, and environmental resources.

  • Innovation

    We are committed to exploring new methods, technologies, and partnerships that enhance our ability to preserve, protect, and share the rich history of the Fort Ancient Village site.